The Science of Management: does it really help us?

science help businessLast week I’ve been talking to a friend who was just editing the final exam for his course “Decision-making in Disaster management”. Living aside the nice feeling of talking to people from the academic environment, there was actually something in our conversation that troubled me to the level of feeling a need to share it with the readers of my blog. Continue reading

The Other Top Ten posts of AnyaWorkSmart

another top ten After the warm reception that my previous Top Ten post received, I decided to add another one, but this time a little different. As most people do not have the patience to look through archives of the blog for posts that do not contain the easily recognizable keywords for topics of interest, I thought to remind my readers of several posts I published in the past that to my opinion are very important for everyone to know. Continue reading

Data vs. Information: Analysis vs. Speculation

Data vs Information1There are few people on the market today who don’t understand the importance of basing your decisions on solid data. Big Data and methods of its management and utilization are the talk of the town. Companies are building complex “client models” based on statistical analysis of client profiles; recruiters systematically analyze their pools of specialists in order to provide the best possible match for every position; and presentations during corporate meetings are full with tables and graphs.

However, does this make our decisions any better? Continue reading

Happenstance vs. Conscious decisions

Happenstance vs Conscious decisionsSince my days at the Technion I have a habit of keeping in touch with research guys – for the least, they always have something new to say 🙂

One of them told me once about a study where he interviewed people about how they chose their profession. The results were very interesting – Continue reading

When to stop doing what you’re doing?

Hi, how’s work?

Your team is working like clockwork, all your projects are delivered on time, your business is so profitable that it leaves the competition behind?

No? Yes, but…?

Then may be YOU HAVE TO CHANGE SOMETHING. Continue reading

How much is “Most People”?

How much is most peopleWhen I previously wrote about utilizing data and research in management, I mentioned that not always when people are using a certain word or term, they are understood the way they meant to. This is especially relevant when we’re trying to express quantities without using numbers. For example, how many people are “most people” or how frequent is “usually” ? Continue reading

Utilizing Data and Research in Management

Utilizing data in ManagementWhy would I choose to focus on this topic? It sounds so boring that I risk losing your attention already at the title.

But no, I haven’t lost my marbles. Lately, we’ve discussed at length the crucial role of the Manager in the Decision-making process, so it brings us naturally to the most crucial component of this process – the interpretation of information. Continue reading

How do you know what to know?

Information How do you know what to knowWhen my generation was still crunching through their academic degrees in the 90-s, knowledge had some added value. Despite the fact that Internet and search engines had already existed back then, Continue reading