My Team just got bigger!

Hi everyone, especially those who’ve been asking themselves where are the new Anyworksmart posts 🙂

Well, don’t worry, guys, because the reason I’ve been absent lately is most fortuitous: our family got bigger by one more person (a beautiful boy), so right now I literally have too much on my hands 🙂

The moment that the situation will allow it, you’ll be once again able to enjoy new Anyaworksmart posts on a regular basis.

See you soon,

Anya 🙂

An Eternal Argument: Can a Non-Expert manage Experts?

you are not an expertCan you put a non-engineer to lead an IT development team? How effective would be a financial product development team when managed by someone who has no previous experience with financial systems? When looking for someone to fill an executive position in an aviation sales department, should you be looking for someone who has more experience with aviation, a better salesman or A BETTER MANAGER?

I think it’s easy to understand what I’m getting at: there is an eternal argument going on in every possible industry – when looking for Managers, should you prefer people from the same industry or people with good managerial skills but without any previous knowledge of the industry. Continue reading

Data vs. Information: Analysis vs. Speculation

Data vs Information1There are few people on the market today who don’t understand the importance of basing your decisions on solid data. Big Data and methods of its management and utilization are the talk of the town. Companies are building complex “client models” based on statistical analysis of client profiles; recruiters systematically analyze their pools of specialists in order to provide the best possible match for every position; and presentations during corporate meetings are full with tables and graphs.

However, does this make our decisions any better? Continue reading